alarmed car

I hate car alarms.

I think everyone hates car alarms.

I don't think anyone pays any attention to a car that is being alarming.

oh, and my car? it has an alarm.

it has an alarm that is so clever and Teutonic that the moth that wandered into my vehicle on the way home last night could set it off.

over and over and over and over and over and over...

the neighbours must have hated me. I went out on a bike ride, and returned 11 miles later to the unnervingly familiar sound of my car alarming. (I've set it off a couple of times, it's LOUD)

I ran into the house, grabbed the key fob and turned off the alarm.

Then I opened the garage, jumped into the car to put it away.

And out flew the moth.

memo to self: remove moths before locking car

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